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Tips for Hardwood Floors and Pets

Having a pet is a wonderful experience in almost every way, but their behavior in our home, particularly on hardwood floors, can be frustrating at times.

But that shouldn’t be a problem for you to have a nice hardwood floor on your house! Here we have some tips to maintain your floor like new.

And don’t forget to check our articles on our blog for more advice!

There are a lot of ways to keep your hardwood floor in great condition.

The darker, the better.

Try to choose a hardwood floor color that is brown or blackish so you can avoid rust stains that can build up on the floor over time.

It is very important, though, that if it happens, you clean it as fast as you can so the stain won’t settle into the floor.

Don’t forget about wax!

It is really important that you make sure your floor has a layer to protect the lower layers from damage when placed. In Renova Flooring, we make sure to add some extra layers for better protection and insulation.

For better care, you can also apply some floor wax from time to time. This is especially useful for pets’ nails, as they can leave traces on the floor when playing, running or even walking around the house.

Decoration can be a great ally.

If you need more protection, you can also add a nice carpet in some spaces of your home where your pet usually spends time. This way, you can prevent accidents from happening that may affect the hardwood floor and add some style to your house decoration.

Last but not least…

It’s really important that we keep our pets educated, teaching them where to play and where to do their business. The better their habits, the prettier your floor will be.

Having a pet is not incompatible with enjoying a nice and warm hardwood floor. You just need to take a little care so you can enjoy your beautiful floor.

It’s important to have a regular cleaning habit.

This is some advice you may consider to take care of your brand new hardwood floors from your pets. Remember, you can always request a quote to renovate your home today!