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The Balancing Act of Function and Design

Hardwood flooring is not only stylish, robust, and long-lasting; it can also provide warmth and charm to any room. Furthermore, it may function nicely with a range of design styles. Every piece of wood stands out because of its natural features, like grain, texture, and hue. This distinctiveness means no two pieces look the same. … Read more

Harwood with a dark side

Each type of hardwood flooring has unique qualities and advantages that you should consider while choosing one for your house. Hickory flooring is finicky, attractive, tough to work with, incredibly durable, environmentally sensitive, oversold, and occasionally unable to meet expectations. Compared to other flooring alternatives like teak and American walnut, hickory is renowned for its … Read more

Flooring Set to Embrace Optimism and Bring: JOY TO INTERIORS

Interior design relies heavily on color, and flooring is the foundation for the whole look. Selecting the ideal color and finish for your floor is crucial, and natural wood flooring is a popular choice. Unsurprisingly, it remains the most preferred flooring option for North American homeowners. The hardwood floor industry constantly adapts to changing color … Read more

Addressing a Floor at the End of its Service Life

The timeless beauty of hardwood flooring can significantly increase the visual appeal of your house. However, how well you maintain this investment will determine how long it lasts. With proper maintenance, hardwood floors can endure for many years, contributing significantly to your treasured home’s memories. Assessing Wood Floor Wear If the floor is solid wood, … Read more

At What Point Do Squeaks Need to be Repaired?

When a floor squeak becomes bothersome or disruptive, it typically has to be fixed. Especially if it’s in a high-traffic location like a major corridor. Squeaks by themselves usually don’t harm the floor over time, although they can be very annoying.Physical damage to the floor, changes in humidity, aging, shoddy installation, or underlying issues can … Read more

Dark Spots Mysteriously Appear in Red Oak

Do you have dark spots? They can really spoil the look of that gorgeous red oak. Here’s what happens when you install red oak: Black stains erupt out of nowhere. First, you believe that the marks were caused by metal filings, maybe from steel wool or scraper blades. But no steel had been used on the project. So you assumed that sharpening scrapers over the flooring was … Read more

Wood Floors and Radiant Heat

Radiant floor heating systems warm up an interior space by transferring heat through the floor. These systems generate heat by placing electric heating cables or pipes filled with warm water beneath a floor surface. The warm air rises from the floor, heating the entire space. While many people fear that radiant heat will cause a … Read more

A wood floor installer´s guide to moisture testing

Even after being turned into flooring, wood remains a natural substance that responds to changes in its surroundings. It’s true that producers have created various hardwood floor structures in an effort to “improve and control” the way wood reacts to variations in humidity. However, maintaining a healthy home atmosphere and the attractive appearance of your … Read more

Pros and Cons of Installing Long-Length Hardwood Flooring

Long-length planks add value to a home. They create the appearance of a high-end custom floor. Wide and extra-long planks reduce the number of seams on the floor. A floor that has fewer seams appears more cohesive, unique, and beautiful. Experts agree that the width and length of a floor’s planks are among the most … Read more