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Is It Time To Restore My Hardwood Floors?

We always pay attention to how to clean our hardwood floors and how to take care of them after they are installed, but how do we know when it’s the proper time to restore them? Here are some pointers to help you decide if your hardwood floor needs to be replaced.

At Renova we are experts in hardwood floors. Don’t forget to check out our other articles on our blog to know everything about this world!

Hardwood floors are durable, but they are not immune to damage.

Stains may last longer than we hope

In the long life of your hardwood floor, there might be some unavoidable incidents, such as liquid stains, pets’ urine or water drops, and, although we clean it as fast as we can, sometimes that’s not enough.

If you see a stain of any of these types for a long time, it is probably a sign to start thinking about a change.

Your hardwood floor must be uniformed

In some areas of our home, we can find furniture that has never been moved. If we do it, we may find that the hardwood floor under them is shiny and has a darker color, almost as if they were new.

When we do see that, we’ll probably realize that the rest of our floor is more scrapped and wasted, and we’ll see things that we didn’t see before. Refinishing work may help in this case!

Don’t forget to look for cracks!

You may often find cracks in your hardwood floor. The thing with cracks is that dust can get into them, making them really hard to clean. But don´t worry! At Renova Flooring we can fill them in just a few hours!

Wax may not always be a savior

Even though wax is an excellent tool for you to take care of your hardwood floor, it isn’t magical. After a while, there may be some flaws that wax can not correct.

If you’ve tried this process multiple times and haven’t seen any significant changes, it’s probably time to try bigger solutions.

We can offer you the best refinishing service! Contact us!

Remember: hardwood is resistant but not impenetrable. So, try to restore them as soon as you discover these signals. In that way, you will see your house as new from one day to the next.

Don’t forget, you can always request us a quote to renovate your home today!