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Hardwood refinishing vs. Hardwood installation

Hardwood floors take a lot of abuse, and over time they can become stained, warped, chipped or just dull. When your hardwood floor begins to appear worn out, you can refinish it to restore its original shine, or you can tear out the floor and completely replace it. The important question is: should you refinish or install your hardwood? We can help you in your decision!

These are the three most important aspects you need to keep in mind when deciding to go for one of the options.

Installation takes a few hours, you can stay at home while we work


Unfortunately, you cannot restore every wood floor by simply refinishing it. So, if your wood floor has become warped or if several of the planks have become damaged, you will typically need to replace the entire floor, as finishing will only brighten an already-damaged surface. On really old floors, you may see the tongue where the boards come together, or your boards may lack adequate thickness. These kinds of floors are definite candidates for replacement, as refinishing is purely cosmetic, and it will not provide good-enough results.


However, if your floors are not really damaged and your only goal is to brighten your floors and restore their original shine, consider refinishing them. Although, of course, if you want to change some aspect of the floor itself, like the color and style of the wood, the direction of the planks or the consistency of the material, you will need to invest in a full replacement. Refinishing is ideal to restore existing wood, while replacement is ideal for establishing a completely new look or feel.

There are a lot of colours and designs to choose from


Last but not least, price. Price is the obvious variable to consider. It is almost always cheaper to refinish your floor than to replace it. When replacing, you must consider the cost of the new wood as well as the installation. So you’ll probably have to think about which option is best for your budget. Anyway, we guarantee you that our service is faster and more affordable. And also, you can stay in your home while we work. You can search for the design you like. There are a lot of options to choose from. 

A perfect and shiny brand new Hardwood

Request us a quote to renovate your home today! Simply encourage yourself to explore! Years of experience give us the assurance that we will do an excellent job with your home!